Stop: Collaborate? Listen!

Music-nerdiness-merger ladyboner: It appears Wu-Tang is sampling the hott lixx from “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” for a new song (tentatively titled “Gently Weeps”). The hott lixx will be played by none other than Dhani Harrison (George’s son), and also John Frusciante (whatever). George’s son, despite looking disarmingly like his dead dad, doesn’t really play guitar like his dead dad, so he’s actually playing the rhythm part on acoustic. Frusciante (of RHCP- I guess that annoying part of “Scar Tissue” qualifies you to stand in for George Harrison?) will be performing aforementioned lixx (Czech the last link there- I guess Prince’s heart-stopping shreddery was not “this band has tattoos but my mom likes them” enough? … whatever). Apparently, though, Dhani is down with the Clan. Quoth RZA: “He knew all the kung fu shit [we reference]! That’s deep! I told him I would be honored if he played his father’s song.” Oh man. I cannot wait to listen to this in my car real loud and get stared at by startled old people and confused urbanites who don’t yet know that white people get to listen to rap too (this has happened to me).

Now you may not have known this about dear Auntie Rachel, but as much as she loves the Fab Four, she completely sweats her some beatzz. Ask Aziz. In fact, I toyed with the idea of a feature for the blog called “Auntie Rachel’s Hardcorner”; so deep is my slightly-puzzling-for-a-rural-white-girl adoration for the hip-hops. And the Wu-Tang are among my favorites- they are intelligent, articulate, relevant, mad sweet, and videogames. Additionally, the nerd in me is excited because it’s the first time a Beatles song has been legally sampled for a recording. I heard that while listening to NPR’s broadcast of the BBC World Report. Nerd.

So, due to my unique blend of nerdinesses, this is pretty much the best news I’ve heard today and almost makes up for the fact that I’m in a coffee shop whose radio station of choice has played a new Bon Jovi doucheballad, Nickelback, Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson (no, hipsters- it wasn’t “Since U Been Gone“, calm down) and that terrible “Meet Virgina” song. All in the last 20 minutes.

Anyway. This is so rad. All the kung fu shit, indeed.

5 responses to “Stop: Collaborate? Listen!

  1. SWEET JESUS if you woulda written the bible, I woulda read it. You’re that good. Seriously.

  2. Auntie Rachel

    Thanks Sara! Tell all your friends! Especially that hottie Jason.

  3. Anthony Howdrell

    john frusciante is an amazing guitarist and one of the only guitarists on earth qualified to do something like this

  4. Auntie Rachel


    I’m not a huge fan of Mr. Frusciante’s, but I do kinda like the Chili Peppers, and I was making some lighthearted fun of how no one can fill George Harrison’s shoes, so I guess, yeah, that deserves a FUCK YOU. I see where you’re coming from.

  5. No, you know what, you’re being far too charitable with this 12-year-old.

    Listen kid. You’re probably long gone by now, but should you ever come back, I want you to know something.

    When you talk, you are cancer.


    I’m not about to bother saying it again.

    Have a good summer!