Daily Archives: November 26, 2007

let’s dish.

[Insert amateur blogger’s uncared about apologies for not updating, “shit has been busy”s, and the like here.]

Actually, most of the recent news here in the Fortress of Suckitude (Heh, you like that, kid? No, not very good, is it?) has been actual-life-and-not-really-snark-except -to-the-extent-that-snark-is-all-around-us-related. And also Magic: The Gathering-related. But we ain’t here to tell you about our sweet new Wurm-Elf decks. We just wanted to let you know that the (literally tens of) people who visit this page are still in our daily thoughts.

As far as music goes, basically all we’ve got is that Lyn-Z, darling of Azizsucks Google Analytics and frustrated 15 year olds everywhere, has married a douchebag. No, really, I’m sure he’s a nice guy. His band is unspeakably terrible. They are seriously like Simple Plan plus screaming a lot. And Lyn-Z has publicly ridiculed Simple Plan. But love, I suppose, can make you do strange things. Hell, I write in this blog. But seriously folks, we really have no news. And we especially have no news about Matthew Bellamy*.

Oh, and I guess Chad Kroeger did a Rob Thomas. I’ll let you figure out what that means because my eyes and ears have just about reached their shirted-Kroeger saturation point. He’s just been too shirtful lately. But ladies: he straightened his hair!!!


We just can’t stop blogging about him. Can you blame us?


But even more than we like bitching about terrible music; more even than we enjoy gettin’ all Jean Teasdale in your shit, we like writing about good things. And I’ve not got much to say. So I’ll peace out. Hope you all are well.






*Refer to my last post. We’ve since made a compact to mention one or both of those individuals (Lyn-Z or Matt Bellamy, that is) in each and every post to keep the sweet, sweet hits pumping into our e-veins.